Vampire, Werewolf, or Wizard/Witch?

I've done this quiz just for fun. I hope you enjoyed it, and I've made the questions, if not good, decent, and thanks for doing it, have fun completing it and finding your type.

What are you? A creature of the night? A true shadow that everyone fears? Or you are an occultist who likes to practice his magic in groups? By completing this quiz you will get the answer to your question.

Created by: Alex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are on a dark alley and you are starving. You are heading home but suddenly you see a man on the road, what do you do?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. You are home, relaxing, and suddenly you hear the door. You go to see who is it and you find yourself with a thief in your house. What do you do?
  4. What is your type?
  5. Where do you like to spend your time?
  6. If you would find out that one of your friends is the same supernatural being as you are, or different what would you do?
  7. How do you control your rage?
  8. What do you like most?
  9. You are alone in a room with the person you love. How do you act?
  10. Last question. Which is your favourite movie/serie?

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