Vampire...or werewolf?
Hello Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Headmaster Starblazer. I run this school. So you're a wizard here. We have a few simple rules, here at Hogwarts. 1. No profanity 2. Listen to teachers (major admins) at all times. 3. You must attend your classes (make a useful post. Bumps don't count) at least once every thirty days 4. Romance can only go as far as a kiss 5. Breaking any of these rules* will result in immediate expelliation *breaking rule number two will result in a seven day suspension. We only have a few teachers (major admins) so far, teachers have special privileges. Teachers can... 1. Teachers can suspend anyon
Name: Year: Pet: Wand: Appearance: House: Favorite type of spell: Do they play Quidittch? If so what position: Background: Personality: Other: That's that, the teachers have to fill these out also when they come, theirs is a bit different. Here is what one would look like.