Vampire Academy Love Story Part 1

Hey guys! This is a bit about your character. Your seventeen and have a bit of a fiery personality. You love mechanics strangely enough and you have a strong passion for fighting. You are a dhampir after all. Half human, half vampire. You were born to be a guardian. A fighter to protect the Moroi, or vampires to be precise. You ran away from the academy with Rose and Lissa two years ago and started a mechanics course. You got a job and are having a great time! You have a sort of elemental power which is weird. You can control the temperature. That's all you need to know for now...
Hey this is Vampire Academy Love Story! We've got some twists and some turns and some downright moves! You can kick some serious ass girl! Mixed in with a little bit of romance and a hell of a lot of drama. Would you like fries with that?