Valtroskian Classes

Valtroska is a special place with many rewards and benefits. However, there is also danger. To combat this danger, you are given a class to play to the best of your ability and master combat in their section.

This quiz is what determines your class. There are six options you could possibly receive. The world is changing and you are at the center of it. How will you change the world for better, or worse?

Created by: Bolg Gamer
  1. Where would your build your house?
  2. There are 11 Great Houses fighting in a Succession War over the Imperial Throne. Out of the 11, only 5 are predicted to succeed. What nation would you side with?
  3. What is your home continent?
  4. What is your favorite weapon?
  5. How do you travel?
  6. How was your younger life? (Ages 10-20)
  7. What traumatic event befell you OR your family?
  8. What branch of the military would you join if you were drafted?
  9. What is your favorite deity to worship out of the patrons listed?
  10. Finally, what do you like the most?

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