UnWanted part 5

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Hey people! Welcome back to the freaky mind of 3moAng3l!!! Full of twisted humor,gummy bears, popcorn, cliffhangers out the wazzoo and rabid panda bears and packs of tigers that are ready to attack at any time! xD

Alright PEOPLE! I am getting so bored with all of my regular music on my iTunes. I have a mission for all of you. Name me some new music that I haven't listened to. I like any kind of rock music, but I especially love music like Paramore..ya know, not screamo but still cool? Anyways!!! Make some suggestions in the comments will ya? Thanks so muchh!!!

Created by: xX3mo_Ang3lXx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It ended up being the guy who ran the security company saying that he was on his way. “Since the police already fingerprinted the place, can we go back there so we can change?” I asked Jason after he told us what was happening. “Yeah, sure.” I took a shower as soon as I got there. I felt icky and there was no way around it. I got dressed afterwards. I decided to wear my Gir shirt with him riding a piggy on it. I slipped on my leggings and a red plaid skirt over it. I went back into the bathroom to blow-dry my hair. I was ransacking the closet for my favorite shoes when I heard the doorbell ring.
  2. “I got it babe,” Jason called and I heard him answer it. They were only talking, but I was not going to go out there without shoes. “JASON! I can’t find my shoes! Where did you put them?” I yelled. I heard the echo of Jason’s sigh. “Check beside the bed,” he called back. I walked over by the bed and what do ya know? They weren’t there. I gave up and slid on some flip-flops. I got the feeling that I left my favorite shoes over at Danni’s house so I whipped out my phone. I walked out of the room and reached down the stairs. I slid down the handrail. After I reached the floor, I texted Danni.“Babe, I couldn’t find my shoes so I just stuck with flip-flops,” I said, finishing up the text.
  3. Jason grabbed the phone out of my phone. “Erica, these are the people that are going to investigate and fix the security breach.” “Oh crap, sorry,” I said blushing. “You must think I’m a total idiot. I’m Erica Carm- I mean Gionni. God I’m so horrible with names, let alone my own.” I looked at the both of them. The guy was beyond hot, but I could only look now. The woman was pretty too. They wore matching uniforms of nothing but black. The guy was wearing a plain black t-shirt and black cargo pants with combat boots to match. He had his long dark brown hair tied back in a loose ponytail.
  4. The chick was wearing the same thing but a more feminine shirt and Converses instead of combat boots. The woman smiled at me. “I’m Jade. And this is L.T.,” she said, inclining her head towards the guy. “Nice to meet you both,” I said politely. “Would either of you like a drink or something?” “No thanks,” L.T. said. “I’m alright,” Jade replied, still smiling. “Well have a seat,” Jason said, pointing towards the couches. I went to go get Jason and me a Monster and sat beside my hubby. “So do you have any idea what time the break in happened?” LT asked as he pulled out a small notepad from his pocket. “We came back from the office around four, came in, and the alarm was screeching. I went upstairs and over half of my jewelry was missing,” I said, opening my drink. “I checked the safe before you showed up and it looked like they tried to get in it, but the alarm scared them off,” Jason said. After they gathered some more information and took more notes, Jade and LT left.
  5. I turned to Jason after I watched them pull away. “They are so a couple.” Jason smirked. “I figured that much. Normal professional people like that don’t sit as close as they were.” “That and she was watching him so possessively.” Jason gathered me in his arms. “Kind of like you do me?” I grinned at him. “Pretty much.” He squeezed me tighter to him. I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” Jason murmured, kissing my forehead. I smiled as I knew what he was saying was true.
  6. It was around two in the morning when I woke up feeling thirsty. I quietly slipped out of Jason’s arms and bed and went down to the kitchen. It was dark and I nearly stumped my toe. I went over to the fridge and opened it. I opened the orange juice and drank a swig or two.
  7. I closed the door and turned around. There was some heavyset guy there in front of me. He had dark hair and was dressed in dark clothing. I backed up into the wall behind me when I saw that he had pulled out a gun. “What’s wrong little one?” Angelo Pancetta asked me.
  8. “Maybe it’s the fact that you’re holding a gun to me in my own house,” I answered back. He chuckled in an odd way and stepped towards me. “Make one noise to alert Darky and you’re going to regret it.” I didn’t say anything. “Do you know it’s a bit unsanitary to drink straight from the carton?” he asked, opening the fridge. He grabbed a beer out and shut the door again.
  9. He shot the gun off and it made a small whooshing sound. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down briefly and saw a dart. I yanked it out, but it was already too late. I began to feel dizzy and nearly fell over. Pancetta caught me though. The last thing I remember was I saying “Let me go you b------.”
  10. xD Lookie what time it isssss. :D It's time for a- *colorful lights go crazy around the room and weird gameshow music plays* CLIFFHANGERRRRRRR!!! :D

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