The Happiness Test

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To what extent are you unhappy? With four indicators we will attempt to measure this.please answer sincerely, honestly and earnestly.this will make your result better.

The indicators are physical suffering, societal bonds, self reported happiness, mental health and physical suffering. The sum 9f these indicators determines to what extent you are happy.

Created by: Roh Tae Woo
  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how satisfied with your life are you?
  2. Did you experience enjoyment in the last 3 days?
  3. Did you smile or laugh in the last 3 days?
  4. Did you experience stress in the last 3 days?
  5. Did you worry about something in the last 3 days?
  6. on a scale of 1 to 10 do you generally think your life is going well?
  7. Have you been clinically diagnosed with depression disorder?
  8. Have you been clinically diagnosed with anxiety disorder?
  9. Have you been clinically diagnosed with a psychological disorder that makes you unhappy?
  10. Do you ever suffer from panic attacks?
  11. Does your community have a self harm issue. (Ideally you'd check its suicide rate against other communities/states/countries)
  12. Is the abuse of controlled/elicit substances and alcohol a problem in your community.
  13. Would you trust the average joe to help you if you collapsed with a heart attack an the street?
  14. Do crimes in your community make you wary of strangers as opposed to open to them?
  15. When you've been in trouble, has someone ever helped you to get out of the difficult spot?
  16. Do you feel that people feel genuine compassion for you? Especially outside your immediate family.
  17. Do you ever feel that there is never anyone interested in your life or who cares about you, even if you know factually that people at least want to appear like they do.
  18. Are you considering leaving your community due to serious problems like violence, unemployment, low social mobility or other problems you deem serious.
  19. Have you been deliberately physically injured by other people in your community.
  20. Have you ever been given serious threats or been hurt/attacked with genuine malicious intent by someone in your community?
  21. Are you seriously physically injured for life?
  22. Are people leaving your community on mass?
  23. I cannot see the answers you put down, also You do not have to answer this if you do not want to: Does your family/you earn:
  24. Indicators of happiness: Is there a serious income inequality problem in your community, ideally you would look this up.
  25. Indicators of happiness: is there a large body of people out of work in your community?
  26. Is your life getting better or worse in the last 5 years?
  27. I feel lonely, even if I'm not alone
  28. Do you trust most people in your community?
  29. Is there some other issues which is causing you serious unhappiness?
  30. Indicators of happiness: do people in your community generally die before the age of 65?
  31. Do you regularly contact your family positively?
  32. Which of the following do you live in?
  33. I often feel my life is meaningless
  34. I don't and didn't enjoy my education.
  35. I do not like my job

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