Ultimate zombie survival

Could you survive a zombie apocalypse when it came to one this is the only way to find out take this quiz to test your ability to be an ultimate zombie slayer

Be the next daryl Dixon or rick grimes just have fun on my quiz and but lead to the brains in this fun test please just do it I have to write 150 letters so I was desperate

Created by: Yumatumma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a news broadcast showing people being torn apart and eaten what do you do first
  2. You go into the nearest gun shop but only have time to grab one weapon what is it
  3. Where do you choose to hide out
  4. Number of people you are with
  5. Who are you with
  6. One of your group is bitten what do you do
  7. What transport would you use
  8. You come across a group of survivors with weapons and food what do you do
  9. Bonus round what is the disease that turns you
  10. You see your crush surrounded by 4 zombies in another part of town what do you do
  11. How do you kill a zombie
  12. You have a choice to move your position to a partially overrun army barracks I you kill the zombies you can stay do you accept
  13. How do you rate this quiz

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