Ultimate star wars quizzz

You should be careful before trying this quiz or George Lucas will be very disappointed in you so just remember that before taking this quiz and if you fail don't say I didn't warn you

Are you a star wars know-it-all like me if so you could be George Lucas will be very impressed with you. Be sure to get each and every question correct

Created by: Louis Kinsella

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the commander of the 327th legion?
  2. Who is the general of the 212th legion?
  3. Who is Count Dooku's second assassin after Asajj Ventress?
  4. How did the ARC trooper Fives get his nickname?
  5. What weapon does Commander Thorn use
  6. What species is Eeth Koth
  7. Where were clones created
  8. Who killed Fives
  9. What is Chancellor Palpatine's first name
  10. What division is Commander Fox in
  11. Who is the main villain in Star Wars the force awakens
  12. Who owns the Darksaber
  13. Who is the Vicerory of the Trade Federation
  14. who is the Archduke of Geonosis
  15. Which of these has a white Lightaber
  16. Which of these is a Wookie
  17. Who kills Onaconda Farr

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