Ultimate Justin Bieber Fan Quiz

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There are many JB fans out there but only a few true blue fans... What is a Belieber??? A Belieber is a JB fan.. Well duhh.. Tbh idk what to write so yea.

Do YOU consider your self a true JB fan? Do you know enough to score 100%?? Well why keep wondering??? Go ahead and take the quiz and lets see if you are a true frfr #BELIEBER?

Created by: Michelle Torres
  1. When was Justin Bieber born?
  2. What is Justin's middle name?
  3. What was Justin's first single:?
  4. Who is the name of Justin's mom?
  5. Where is Justin from?
  6. How old is Justin?
  7. I'm out of questions (no effect)
  8. Random wordz.
  9. Forgot to say it well... Hey watup.
  10. Byeee go to quiz community!!!

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