Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz

Alas, Harry Potter. A series treasured by many. Read it once and it will be with you forever. Read it twice you'll love it even more! Read it 3 billion times, then you're ready for this tricky quiz.

Only true "wizards" even have a chance at this quiz. A perfect score is almost unheard of! Seriously! This is not for beginners. Think you're ready to show what you got? Begin the quiz.

Created by: Izzy
  1. What does Remus Lupin see when he comes face to face with a boggart?
  2. What is the middle name of Harry's youngest son, Albus Potter?
  3. What is the Dursleys address?
  4. What row is the prophecy in in the 5th book?
  5. What is the name of the executioner that comes to execute Buckbeak in book 3?
  6. Which Hogwarts founder is The Grey Lady the daughter of?
  7. Which one of these students is NOT in Ravenclaw?
  8. Which Weasley is bitten by Fenrir Greyback?
  9. Who was headmaster of Hogwarts right before Dumbledore?
  10. How old is Aunt Muriel?
  11. Who is the irish seeker at the Quidditch World Cup?
  12. In what book does Snape give Harry Occlumency lessons?
  13. What is the name of Percy Weasley's owl?
  14. What is the name of Nymphadora Tonk's mother?

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