Ultimate Harry Potter quiz

Think you are a potter head? See how much you REALLY know about Harry Potter by answering this quiz which has only ten (difficult) questions. But they are easy for a big fan.

I hope you will have fun taking this quiz. And I hope you will have good results. Pls don't forget to rate and share and rate this Quiz. Thanx . xoxoxoxoxo. Girlz

Created by: Girlz
  1. What is Ron's full name?
  2. In which house is Marcus Flint
  3. Who is acting as professor Macgonagall
  4. What house is Albus Severus Potter in
  5. Which of these is Harry's wand length
  6. Who wrote Fantastic Beasts and where to find them according to the series
  7. Which of these is not an auror
  8. When did Luna's mom die
  9. Which Weasley family member got a hole in his ear
  10. Which teacher teaches astronomy

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