ultimate dog lover quiz

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There are many dogs ,but only a few true dog lovers. What is a dog lover? A dog lover is someone who loves dogs so much that they would do anything for it.

Are you a dog lover? Do you have a heart big enough to fit your love for a dog? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this amazing quiz you could find out in just a few minutes!

Created by: Rafaela
  1. do you have a dog?
  2. do you take your dog everywhere with you?
  3. how may hours a day do you devote to your dog(s)
  4. do you cry when you hear stories of a dog getting abused or passing away?
  5. do you think every dog you see, whether its a small Yorkshire or a 100 pound Husky, there all adorable?
  6. do you talk to your dog as if it were a baby
  7. how much dogs do you have?
  8. do you feed your dog(s) human food?
  9. do you love your dog(s)?
  10. What size dog do you think would be best for you?
  11. does your dream job include dogs?
  12. last question! Would you give your life for a dog?

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