u are cool from 0 to 100

Lets figure out is you are normal or exotic... its ok if you score a high or low score you are you and that's all that matters I hope you enjoy this quiz

do u think your dark... do u think your bright... find out at this quiz, but just a reminder this is just a fun quiz and its you that determines who you are

Created by: your a winner
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u like things that people in school don't know
  2. do u have friends
  3. do u like anime
  4. do u know what naruto is
  5. lets go a little deeper, do u know what kingdom hearts is?
  6. what is your favorite letter (warning, this question has no value what so ever I just have a writers block)
  7. do u think you are smarter than the teacher at moments
  8. do u believe in illuminati
  9. whats your favorite color
  10. did u like this test

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