Twilighters Quiz

Who am i Roslie Esme Alice Or Bella? I would like to Know. I know that i could find out if i took this quiz. Should I take it or not? Yes i definetly sould take this Quiz.

And So should You. Find out which twilight girl you are like. take this quiz and be blown away. Who would you be? there are lots of ways to find out but this is the easiest way. Take the quiz NOW.

Created by: Charlotte
  1. Why do vampiers stay out of the sun
  2. Whos better
  3. Do you like Baseball
  4. whose hotter
  5. Whose the best cople
  6. Do you like ravieolie
  7. Are you a veggie
  8. Do you love twilight
  9. Did you like this quiz
  10. Will you comment

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