Twilight quotes can u tell who said 'em

Do u know these in-famouse quoets. Did you pay attion to them. Find out if u klnow some of the lest commen ones. I know I payed attion. Lets see if u did the same. If u rly dont know then take a guesse. It wont hurt to try.

Take the quiz if ur bored. I rly dont care. All i care about is that u rate and comment. I think the bigger Twilight fans would know all the quotes and could resite 'em in thier sleep.

Created by: Mihlo
  1. "Welcome back"
  2. "He's so...intimidating.I wouldn't know what to say to him"
  3. "Take some Tylenol for the pain"
  4. "Stay"
  5. "What's for dinner?"
  6. "I'm Isabella Swan"
  7. "Bella"
  8. "It's good to see you Bells"
  9. "You wouldn't be able to find the house"
  10. "The tracker?"
  11. "The tracker?"

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