The movie rocks and a good quiz to prove it.THis quiz is all about your knowings about the movie if you get to 1ooo% then you are the true Twilight Fan

Are you a Twilight Fan? Do you have all it takes to qualify the prestigious title of TWILIGHT FAN ? but thanks to this quiz in just a few mins you will find out

Created by: jesika
  1. Who sucks Bellas blod in the movie ?
  2. Who asked Bella for the prom first of all?
  3. How did Bella discover that Edward was a Vampire?
  4. Who was the new Vegie in the cullens Familly?
  5. Bella Live in ----- and moved to ----
  6. Edward kissed bella for the first time in ....?
  7. Alice was with who when they were hunting for the Triplex?
  8. Alice was with who when they were hunting for the Triplex?
  9. Who were the three members of the Triplex?
  10. Did Bella actually Become a Vamp....

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