Twilight Books Quiz

This quiz is about the twilight saga. The questions will be from the books, not the movies as much. There are questions about Edward, Bella, and last but totally not least...the one the only , hottie JACOB BLACK!

Are you a twi hard????? In a few minutes you will find out! This quiz is amazing and you will tell all your friends.....hopefully :) JACOB BLACK'S ABS RULE!!!!!

Created by: Rosaleen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What does edward threaten to do to Jacob if he ever kisses Bella again?
  2. What was Edward's last name before he became a vampire?
  3. What does Jacob give Bella at her graduation party?
  4. What is Jacob know as in his wolf form according to Bella?
  5. What is Leah's last name?
  6. Who was the first person to come after Bella?
  7. Why does Edward leave in new Moon?
  8. Why doesn't Edward eat any of the food Charlie offers?
  9. In Eclipse, what is coming after Bella?
  10. How many degrees is Jacob?
  11. What is the movie called that Bella, Mike Newton, and Jacob see?
  12. Why does Bella get grounded?
  13. What is Renesemee's middle name?

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