Try not to pee impossible

Who you're going to be doing a try not to pee quiz Make sure to have a hard object and a bathroom available but that's really all you need Hopefully you have fun and make sure to clean up after yourself

Last paragraph I said a little bit about cleaning up after yourself definitely make sure to clean up yourself and it's not good hygiene to wear pants you peed in all day and don't just throw your pants in the laundry make sure That is if you pee yourself and if not just keep redoing the challenge

Created by: Muffy
  1. Drink 5 cups of water and wait 30 minutes
  2. Sit on the toilet for an hour
  3. Sit on the toilet for the next 30 minutes.Every 5 minutes push on your bladder for 10 seconds Make sure it is hard as you can
  4. Now walk around your house and then go back to your bedroom
  5. Now grab a hard object And lay on the floor and put it under your bladder Lay there for 10 minutes
  6. Push on your bladder 10 times
  7. Now go and grab the Hard objects again and lay on the floor with it under your bladder for another 10 minutes
  8. Almost done No go sit on the toilet for an hour And then come back
  9. Now rate this quiz 1 out of 5
  10. Last question Here is the places you must pee If you choose I can hold it You must redo the quiz until you fall on pee yourself

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