Try Not to Pee - Dice Challenge!

Welcome to the Try Not to Pee - Dice Challenge! You will need a dice with numbers lettered from one to six. You will then roll your dice and select the corresponding challenge. Feel free to post comments and let me know how you went! If you want help or to do this challenge with me, you can find me on Discord via "noir.angel_." without the quotation marks!

You must only do what you're instructed to do. At the end, there is a three-step process... you must roll the dice three separate times to determine how you'll... do it. If you record yourself, send it to the person you're doing the challenge with, or a person who is comfortable with it! Enjoy! xx

Created by: Noir Angel
  1. How are you feeling?
  2. Section A - Water and Holds. Roll the dice, select, and complete the challenge relevant to your number that you rolled.
  3. Section B - Water and Presses. Roll the dice, select, and complete the challenge relevant to your number that you rolled.
  4. Section C - Water and Exercise. Roll the dice, select, and complete the challenge relevant to your number that you rolled.
  5. How are you feeling?
  6. Section D - Clothes and Presses. Roll the dice, select, and complete the challenge relevant to your number that you rolled.
  7. Section E - Can you be still? Roll the dice, select, and complete the challenge relevant to your number that you rolled.
  8. Section F - Leaks and Pees. Roll the dice, select, and complete the challenge relevant to your number that you rolled.
  9. How are you feeling?
  10. Section G - The End - A. Roll the dice, select, and this will determine where you will pee.
  11. Section G - The End - B. Roll the dice, select, and this will determine whether you will pee with your clothes on or off.
  12. Section G - The End - C. Roll the dice, select, and this will determine whether you will record yourself peeing or not.
  13. How are you feeling?

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