Truth or Dare? ;) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Truth or Dare? ;).
Well, here it is as I promised:
Truth #1: I can be pretty rude sometimes, I'm not gonna lie. What sticks out most is the time I was at my BFF's sleepover at the begining of the summer. We were prank calling people, and the person we were currently talking to was one of my friends little sisters. My friends told me to talk in a British accent and say something really outrageous. So, I grabbed the phone and broke out my British accent. I don't remember all that I said, but I do recall calling her a bloody tampon, using the f-bomb several times, and telling her to blow me.
My friends then informed me she was nine.
... I am going to hell.Truth #2: Ariana Grande, obviously. She is uberschmexy! I think she has a boyfriend though. Darn. xD
Truth #3: If I were to date a gotoquiz user, I'd have to go with Kish. Based on his discription of himself, he sounds pretty handsome. Also, I really love his quizzes, so why not? xP
Truth #3.
The straight answer - I would probably date The Geek, although I'm over him already. The reason being is because I had fallen in love with him twice and kinda swooned over him, although as mentioned, I'm over him.
The lesbian answer - I would probably date ICEE CHILL, although I'm straight. The reason being is because we've been best friends to the start, and a formal relationship would be understandable.
And here are the dares:
Dare #1: Well, I loudly yelled it and my mom was like "Seriously?" and I was like "Yes." and I couldn't stop laughing hysterically. She literally stared at me like O_o for about a minute before finally saying "Well, you better go change your pants." xD
Dare #2: I really hate bananas, and the only other person in my house was my mom. She knew something was up as soon as I picked up the banana. She's kind of like "I know you hate bananas, so are you eating out of boredom?" then I'm like "You know what, I'm just gonna get back on the computer." xP
Dare #3: Well, that was cold and it looks and feels like I've pissed myself. My mom didn't notice anything though. xD
Truth 3: Definitely a person like Xavier or Zelda_Fantastic (Mike). They're both so caring and kind, they're always there for their girlfriends, Nuna and DCgirl so they'd seem like the type of person to date to date. But I'm not sure we're right for each other, so I'd leave that alone.
Your Result: Truth #1
100%You've picked truth #1. In the comments, I want you to tell me... what's the rudest thing you've ever said or done to someone? Be honest!
0% Truth #2
0% Truth #3
0% Dare #1
0% Dare #2
0% Dare #3
Well the Rudest thing i've Ever Said was thatOne day i was In Roblox ofc I Was little Before
I always Got mad at my Roblox friend and Began to argue with her
One day i argued to her
And the next day she didn't reply..I realized She Have'nt played any games For years
So i realized SHE DIED
It was all My Fault that she Died.. i should Have Of never argued with her!
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Alright, truth number one. When I was 4 and didn't understand anything, and my friends were over for a sleepover, I was dared to pee on the carpet, so I did--in front of them! Private part and all...
Little kids... Sigh. So this was kind of a truth with a dare in it! Lol.
If I had to date a user it would either be someone like itsAlexxxxxxx, natebuscus, or mike. Not that I would, butif I had to pick because they're so good to they're girlfriends.
Hmm maybe a seven minutes in heaven quiz? Another story quiz?
Truth #1: The rudest thing I've ever done was probably when I told my youngest cousin to throw a rock at a car. Yeah, let me just be thankful that the person didn't call the police. ._.
Truth 2: Umm... I actually really don't know. I've never given it much thought, and I really don't like any big female celebrities remotely in that way :\
Truth two,if I had to go lesbian for any famous person I'd have to say it would be for Amy Lee. She is a very talented and caring person. I like alot of her songs.
@Firey_Soul I did all the truths and dares.
Truths:#1 I really don't know cuz i dont keep track on that xD. but maybe "ur such a b****! " but I say that alot lol. I don'mt mean it though. Well, most times I don't. :P
#2 Ariana Grande ;)
#3 Idk many go to quizzers. The ones I know are all girls.
# 1 I went outside and screamed I JUST POOPED MY PANTS! I didn't say s**t cuz my mom would hear. LOL these people were walking there dog and gave me a look like I was mental or something xD
#2 i did the banana thing in front of my stepmom. i keot on laughing a choking and she probably thought u was retarded too lol
#3 for the ice cube thing, i was wearing a long baggy shirt so HA! but my but froze. :(
i have an idea for a quiz @Firey_Soul! what super power do u have? like the powers on paranormal love! I believe you owe me a shoutout.
@Firey_Soul I did all the truths and dares.
Truths:#1 I really don't know cuz i dont keep track on that xD. but maybe "ur such a b****! " but I say that alot lol. I don'mt mean it though. Well, most times I don't. :P
#2 Ariana Grande ;)
#3 Idk many go to quizzers. The ones I know are all girls.
# 1 I went outside and screamed I JUST POOPED MY PANTS! I didn't say s**t cuz my mom would hear. LOL these people were walking there dog and gave me a look like I was mental or something xD
#2 i did the banana thing in front of my stepmom. i keot on laughing a choking and she probably thought u was retarded too lol
#3 for the ice cube thing, i was wearing a long baggy shirt so HA! but my but froze. :(
i have an idea for a quiz @Firey_Soul! what super power do u have? like the powers on paranormal love! I believe you owe me a shoutout.
I would go lesbian for Charity Greenleaf
I wonder why my comment showed twice...?
Truth #3Well, I'm new here. I don't really know the GTQ members.
Hello. Long time no see. :P
Dare # 2
I did but they tried not to smile. -
i did dare number 2. So i did this to my friend, and she was all like WTF and i kept on chewing and was thinking THIS IS STUPID
Truth#3 draco-malfoy
Draco god damn malfoy.i also have one thing to say.DRACO IS CUTER THAN HARRY.HA HA.
Omg i did dare number 3. felt like i megaly pissed my pants. i still feel it melting O_O O~O
Woah, I haven't been on GTQ in so long.
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