True or false? Topic: Cats

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How many facts can you get right about cats?! If you wonder thus question then this is the perfect quiz for you. This is done by a cat professional so

you know the results are legit. Please, do proceed to thus quiz. Which was quite easy to make. Maybe that is a sign that the questions are easy?! Yeah.

Created by: Mistyraindrops

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  1. Black cats are bad luck.
  2. Cats can swim.
  3. Cats have nine lives.
  4. Cats always land on their feet.
  5. Cats get cancer.
  6. A cat is a predator.
  7. The common color of a cat is black and white
  8. There are 9 billion cats in the U.S. Alone
  9. Cats cant climb
  10. Cats have night vision/most active at night.

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