True Buffy the vampire slayer fan

There are smart people every were, there are lots of people who love buffy and other shows to. Are you a genius find out and tske this quiz, Geniuses are smart.

Are you an expert on mythology or exepted to be a slayer , if only there was a quiz that could know if your a true Buffy fan, well here is one right here.

Created by: Caroline
  1. What is Buffy's Moms name
  2. Who is angel
  3. how many times does Buffy die
  4. what is dawn
  5. Why does glory need dawn
  6. Who plays spike
  7. Which episode's does buffy die in
  8. who turns out to be gay in season 4
  9. Why does Oz leave
  10. In the episode "zeppo" who is the zeppo
  11. in the episode " Once More with Felling'' who kisses at the end
  12. Who does buffy loose her virginity to
  13. Warren makes a robot looked like buffy for someone to have sex with it, wh is it
  14. Why does Buffy kill Angel
  15. In what episode does Spike and Buffy get married only because they are under a spell
  16. Who does Giles fight in the episode " Tabula Rusa"
  17. What is Anya afraid of
  18. Who was Buffy's first watcher
  19. Who is Glory

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