Trip to Dallas, TX

Taking a trip can be stressful and hard to manage. With this quiz, it enables you to make sure you know all the elements required for the trip project.

Are you a master trip planner? Do you know all the elements required for this project? Take the quiz before you begin your project to make certain you are prepared.

Created by: Briana

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where are you traveling to?
  2. What is the main reason for your trip?
  3. Who are you going on this trip with?
  4. What is the budget for this trip?
  5. How many days must you plan for?
  6. What must you plan for BEFORE adding in extra activities?
  7. What should you do at the end of your research?
  8. Are you required to list prices for every element on your trip?
  9. What should you learn through this project?
  10. What skills did you learn while doing this project?

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