Transformers Roleplay

This an rp of transformers prime. You just moved to Jasper, Nevada. At the end you will receive your guardian. I hope you really really enjoy this it was a lot of work.

I hope you do not think this quiz is boring. feel free to take it as many times as you would like. I hope you enjoy which guardian you get because it was hard to choose who to include.

Created by: Maze
  1. Let's start the rp.
  2. You were walking home from school and you heard fighting. What do you do?
  3. You went to see what was going on and saw giant robots fighting in the forest. What do you do?
  4. More robots appeared and the one that looked evil ran away. They spot you and Arcee says "Scrap, another human?" What do you do?
  5. Here are some casual questions to take a short break from the rp. What is your favorite color?
  6. Who is your fav autobot from transformers prime?
  7. Who is your fav con from tfp?
  8. Back to the rp! The autobots introduce themselves and take you to their base. Ratchet sees you and says "How did you get another one?" He said sounding kinda irritated. How do you respond?
  9. Ratchet goes to respond but three more kids run towards you and you recognize them from your school. what do you do?
  10. That was the end. Hope you enjoyed!

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