Transformers G1 Quiz

The first ever series of Transformers toys features twenty-eight characters in all; eighteen Autobots and ten Decepticons. Of these, eleven of the Autobots transform into cars, six of the Autobots transform into minicars, and one of the Autobots transforms into a tractor trailer truck, while three of the Decepticons transform into planes, five of the Decepticons transform into microcassettes, one of the Decepticons transforms into a microcassette recorder, and one of the Decepticons transforms into a gun
Optimus Prime is the Autobot Commander and transforms into a tractor trailer truck, specifically a Freightliner COE 1980. The toy consists of three separate parts while in its robot form; the main figure, which transforms from the cabin of the truck, an Autobot Headquarters, which transforms from the tractor trailer, serves as a combat deck, and includes a mechanic/artillery robot, and a small scout car named Roller, which launches from the Autobot Headquarters