Total DramaRama Character Quiz

My Title from this quiz is actually a cartoon show people can watch from TV ,Youtube and maybe on Netflix . So if your not sure about anything search it up.

If you don't believe me or anything I have just said find Total DramaRama on TV or search it up on Netflix or search it up on Youtube to see if I am right about what I was saying.

Created by: Aaron
  1. Who's Scary and dark ?
  2. Who's quite portrayed ?
  3. Who once joined a military school ?
  4. Who's a boy and doesn't like to follow rules ?
  5. Who really loves food ?
  6. Who's a boy and wants to be a ninja ?
  7. Who's a girl that's goes cuckoo ?
  8. Who's cute and little ?
  9. Who once got stuck with Duncan in a Community walk ?
  10. When Courtney wanted to make videos who was her camera women ?
  11. Who's a girl and loves school ?
  12. Who's a boy and really likes to say dude ?

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