Total Drama Island Quiz

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aaaaaaaaaaaa dddddddddddd dddddddddd ggggggggggg gjlfsdnjjshjsjdjsbjajsbfjbjbejejfjebfebfjebfje enfejnbjndd djnjd judn jhd dsnn sn sjkdnsj ssjdnsjnsn aj.

acan you follww gnjvd m jdv dhkdsmnjncdhlojinhbok jomo ok hygyshvnhsnznbgnjbhbd hsb nbdh nb b dkc hsd hdn dj h v df jd hv j I just typed random stuff here

Created by: Courtney Smith
  1. Who was the first contestant to be eliminated?
  2. Who was the contestant who had a crush on Courtney?
  3. Who was the host of the show?
  4. Who was the Angriest camper of the contestants?
  5. Who were in the alliance with Heather?
  6. Who was the first person in the alliance to stand up to Heather?
  7. What was the name of the contestant who managed to stay on the show the longest without being voted off?
  8. Who left Gwen buried in the sand?
  9. Who read Gwen's diary aloud to everyone?
  10. Who crushed Courtney's violin in the talent contest?

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