Tommys Quizes B I T C H E S

Hey there! This is a quiz to see how much you gotten to know me for however long weve known each other. I have 10 questions for you that will test your memory.

I have either tome you or someone close with you all or at least one of these question and you should know most of them yourself. if you fail, im sorry, i cant be your friend. it just doesnt work that way

Created by: Tommy Copple
  1. What is my dream college?
  2. Who was my worst teacher?
  3. How old was I when I first went on a scary roller coaster?
  4. What is my biggest fear?
  5. What degree(s) do I want
  6. How much debt will I be in from college?
  7. Who do I care about the most?
  8. If I was a girl, what b i t c h(es) would I f--- up?
  9. Who do I want to fight rn?
  10. What is my favorite food?

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