Tom boy or girly girl

Please try your best. At the end you will find out if you are a tomboy or a girly girl or in between. Please have a go. Please comment and rate at the end.

Please have a go at this quiz. Please remember to comment and rate at the end. Please just give this quiz a try. I hope I will guess right. At the end you will find out your score.

Created by: Liv yo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite sport?
  2. Do you like makeup?
  3. What do you do with your friends?
  4. Jeans or skirt
  5. What do you have?
  6. Do you have a crush?
  7. Who do you hand around with?
  8. Do you like to get muddy?
  9. What is your favorite colour?
  10. What is your favorite colour?

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