Toby Tobuscus Turner Quiz

There are many Toby fans BUT are u one of then Hmmm find out so are you a fan hope you can find out in the next few minutes it will be ten questions so hope u enjoy

Are you Toby fan hope because if u watch you're lifespan will go from like 1% to 100% soo... hope you enjoy find out now thats what the first paragraph said He He ^_^

Created by: Elliot
  1. Finish da sentence ''INTRO of ............................''
  2. What is name of Toby's current dog?
  3. ''Time out lemme get my weps.. IN SLOW-MO am the first ..........'' Finish that sentence it's from ACR Literal trailer
  4. Whats the title of the first episode of Happy Wheels
  5. Which of his Channels have most Videos
  6. Who does Toby play Halo Reach online with?
  7. What is the boys name in Safety Torch?
  8. What color is the Lamborghini in DEADMAU5 vs. Tobuscus Need for Speed Real life
  9. What is the episode in Dead Walking Where Toby cries?
  10. What did you think of this Quiz?

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