Time Less Love Part 9

*READ THIS, READ THIS* Ok Just so you know my parents hogged the computer and that is why I didn't finish this sooner. If you have any questions about this quiz comment on it or Google it or I may E-mail you but don't post your E-mail in comment write a comment and we can arrange something. Also sorry if you couldn't find this quiz before hand the site was being an ass
*Drake the cute goth/emo looking one he's in all black with black hair over part of one of his eyes his is really shy, gray eyes *Adam he's Henry's fraternal twin(twins that don't look alike)huge ego, Adam's the sandy blond haired one with freckles that are just too adorable to not notice, he's the sporty one, blue eyes *Henry he's the fraternal twin of Adam(twins that don't look alike). Henry's the one with brown hair and dimples to die for, be careful around him and his brother, green eyes *Ethan he's the tall muscular, quiet, strong, and the smart one *Greg cute, sweet, and muscular, blackish brown hair and AWESOME smile *Noah quiet, smart, few inches shorter than you, wears glasses, and kinda rude