Tickle dungeon 3 because @Joseph quit making these

So @Joseph made part 1 and 2 then stopped so I am picking up the series. The rest will be random letters because you have to have a certain amount. Dib


Created by: Iret12
  1. You take a nap
  2. You wake up in a tickle chainber and you feet are in stocks, toe ties, and they have oil on them. A robot comes and tickles your feet with a hair brush.
  3. You eventually escape and you run off you find peices of black hair and they seem familiar. What will you do.
  4. The hair prices find you and tickle your belly
  5. They stay on.
  6. Someone helps you they let you tickle them
  7. You finish tickling them so you keep going. You find bare feet sticking out of the floor
  8. There is now hands that come out of the ground they grab you and tickle your feet.
  9. You get out and see 3 doors the first one has a tickle machine. The second one has the black hairs from a while ago. The last door has 5 blue hands
  10. Fate

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