This quiz will make you go crazy!

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This quiz will make you go crazy!!!! if you think you have common sense after this quiz you'll highly doubt that! this has a wings of fire question in it if you've never read any of the books I recommend it!

You should probably be 14 or older to do this, but it doesn't actually matter your age only 3 or older can do this! I hope you enjoy I am making more quiz's soon!

Created by: ILIKETOMOVEIT!!!
  1. 1) How would you survive
  2. 2) A rooster laid an egg which way will it fall?
  3. 3) Fred's dad had 4 sons 5, 10, 20 What was the 3 child's name
  4. 4) This is a wings of fire question, which tribe is fake? (if you don't know because you haven't read it I recommend it)
  6. 6) I'm out of questions you?
  7. dO YOu WanT To chANgE tO A diFFereNT QuIZ?
  8. Do you think I tricked you
  9. What job do you think I have
  10. Did u like quiz?

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