this quiz will guess your age!![100% accurate]

this is a really accurate quiz to guess how old you are we dont ask any innapropriate questions or weird questions this is a fun silly quiz that you will enjoy

this quiz is not fake and its a very short quiz to help us guess how old you are this is for entertainment only and shouldnt really be taken seriously enjoyyyy!!

Created by: jordan
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. what music do you like listening to?
  3. who is your favorite artist?
  4. what do you do during the weekdays?
  5. do u still have sleepovers or slumber parties?
  6. whats your go to look?
  7. if you had one place to choose to go where would it be?
  8. favorite type of shoe?
  9. do you get detentions or get expelled?
  10. and finally... whats your favorite type of phone?

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Quiz topic: This quiz will guess my age!![100% accurate]
