This Quiz May Give You Unlimited Power... Or Not

This quiz is pretty powerful if you can get the right answers.However, be careful to read each question very carefully, as each answer will greatly impact the score that gets you each result.

Since the site requires that this paragraph contain 150 characters, this one is just to satisfy this requirement. You'll honestly probably scroll right past this, but if you didn't: The right answer, 50% of the time, is "ye".

Created by: Quiz Maker
  1. empty question, answer doesn't have any effect
  2. empty question, answer doesn't have any effect
  3. empty question, answer doesn't have any effect
  4. Do you want unlimited power?
  5. Do you not want unlimited power?
  6. Do you not not want unlimited power?
  7. Do you not not not want unlimited power?
  8. Do you not not not not want unlimited power?
  9. Is unlimited power something you realistically believe you would be happy with?
  10. Is this quiz great, yuh or nah

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