this quiz is a time waster play if your bored!

are you bored no ? okay then dont play this has no meaning but if you are bored this fun useless funny quiz is for you it includes random questions like chose a city a useless superpower and even would you rather

disclaimer it might not be professional as im only 12 but i need to type 150 words so dufghu;jigydhrfrhwhufwpghghrherhrhghugthewhgrughergdgyfrhufhurue

Created by: the floper kid
  1. pick a random nickname for your hometown (all cringe worthy)
  2. most likely way to die is
  3. chose a place with the best wheather
  4. i slammed my face on the keyboard on which one
  5. would you rather
  6. chose a word that is spelt rong
  7. chose a useless/bad super power
  8. dont chose the 2nd answer or any with a vowel
  9. chose your headteacher
  10. best yo mama wreck is---yo mama so
  11. chose a city

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Quiz topic: This quiz is a time waster play if my bored!
