This is not a Quiz

Don't click this... That's all I'm saying. Just don't. Really, just go away and don't pay attention to this. There's no such thing as curiosity ok! This isnt even here...

If you do take the quiz, bad things will happen! It clearly said it wasn't a quiz! So it isn't! This isn't even real! It's our imagination! Go away! Your only hurting yourself!

Created by: Kat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why did you click the button?! It said this is not a quiz!!!
  2. So um, are you just gonna keep going?
  3. So am I supposed to ask you stuff?
  4. Ok so um, the topic is... You think of one!
  5. How about, the superhero one... Ok um, what would be your dream job?
  6. What is your favorite hobby?
  7. What are your grades like?
  8. So the topic is me judging you... All these questions have been judging you!
  9. So, if you didn't get the thing you wanted for Christmas that you worked hard on, what would you do?
  10. So this is a question...

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