This is a totally random quiz by PandaGirl

Okay, this quiz will test your ability to guess rAnDoM answers. Please try it. You might like it. Always answer as honestly as possible, then you'll do a good job! =D

As, I said before this test will quiz your ability to gues totally RaNdOm answers. La!I like to sing, do you? Btw, I really like pie and chocolate cake. Do you want to have a mohawk? Answer truthfully! =D

Created by: PandaGirl
  1. Popcorn!
  2. What does your hair look like?
  3. =D :) pie is good, so is chocolate.... Lalaaaalaaaaaaa...
  4. Sing your heart out..........
  5. Caw-caw! Caw-caw! =D (signaling)
  6. Go to and type in: I Like Big Books. It is hilarious!
  7. Manatees swim in the sea. Go manatees! It's your birthday! Not literally, but still.
  8. Spell it!
  9. Guess what my cat's name is?
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............

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