this 10 question quiz can guess your sign with 85% certainty

are you a real zodiacer? check this 85 % certainty quiz out to know for 100% certain how zodingac you are. it's awesome and will quess your sign aweso

mly. you should sibscribe and follow and like and comment and retweet and reblog and follow and heart and double tap and tickle my balls and get a lif

Created by: famous youtuber
  1. what's your favorite kind of music
  2. how many romantic partners have you had
  3. favorite hobby?
  4. favorite personality trait
  5. favorite element
  6. biggest red flag in a romantic partner?
  7. where would you live if you could live anyw
  8. favorite adjective
  9. would you like paper or plastic
  10. who do you identify with the most

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Quiz topic: This 10 question quiz can guess my sign with 85% certainty
