There are few smart people in this world. YEAH I SAID IT! A lot of people actually think their smart. Most really smart people can't figure out the simple things like how to work a x box or how to snowboard. Wanna know why? BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE A DANG LIFE.

do you have what it takes to know me? do you truly think you can figure this out? It's really not that hard but in the first paragraph it explains "really smart people can't figure out small things" So hopefully your not smart.

Created by: Skylar
  1. Who do i like most AT MY SCHOOL?
  2. What is my favorite thing i own?
  3. who is my favorite band?
  4. Who do i like away from my school?
  5. If i had to give up my cell or shave my head which would i give up?
  6. who do i hate most?
  7. Whats my favorite shoe company?
  8. whats my favorite sport?
  9. Whats my favorite wheeled sport?
  10. which is my prefered snow sport?

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Quiz topic: THINK my A SMART ASS