They Love Me Part 17

This is Part 17 of the series, "They Love Me" SOO SORRY for the huge delay on this we were on vacation then when we came back kinda forgot about. O.o Thank you all who has took all of these, it means a lot ;D

If you already know what these guys look like then great. If you don't then please look at Parts 14-16 for everyone to be in there. By the way all there hair is the "emo cut" NOT Justin Bieber hair, it's BETTER. This retarded thing won't let me put the boys descriptions so sorry.

Created by: Dannica&KarenARE;BACK
  1. "BUT WHAT?!" Chris asked impatiently. "...but we don't know how much longer." the doctor said not bothered by the rude interruption. "Have you found what was wrong with him?" Taylor asked in a cool yet worried tone. "Strangely no. We couldn't find any blood problems, scars, bruises, nothing." You looked down to the floor and said,"Can we see him?" With a reassuring smile the doctor said,"Of course dear, right this way." He lead you to a door numbered 23 and you went inside.
  2. You rushed over next to Matt's side on the bed, held his hand, and started crying. You looked over at the boys and it looked like they were about to cry but wanted to stay strong. Matt's deep brown eyes, in which you loved so much, were closed and he looked lifeless. You gently placed your hand on his cheek and then a loud beep from the heart monitor(thingy). You looked at it and. A long line ran across from it. Before you could react, doctors and nurses ran over to the bed, preparing to shock Matt. ;;
  3. You were pushed aside into the boys, and all you could hear were doctors yelling out,"1,2,3 CLEAR!" and a torturing shock. You were sobbing. Scared. You looked over at Dane,Nick,and Greyson and just couldn't lose Matt so you screamed out at the same level of the nurses and doctors, "HEAL HIM!!!" Dane,Nick,and Greyson looked at you with apologetic looks and watery eyes. They shaked their heads in a "no, we can't" way. You couldn't take it. "HEAL HIM! F----- HEAL HIM! NOW!!" The room was then in dead silence and you could hear one nurse murmer out,"He's gone. We're so sorry." ;;
  4. Everyone went out of the room. It was only you and the boys. Everything moved so fast you couldn't keep up. The boys decided to leave you with Matt. Before they left, they each gave you hugs, but you didn't hug back. You knew they would understand you so you didn't even bother. You crept to Matt's bed and sat down at the side. You grabbed his hand. It was icy cold. You just sat there doing nothing, every once in awhile still looking over at the heart monitor machine hoping that, that long green line was just a hallucination. Matt was dead. You just didn't want to believe it...and you weren"t gonna give up. ;;
  5. "Matt, it's ______ . I know deep down, you can hear me. Come back. Please comeback. I don't want to lose you. Remember that time we went to the mall and took those pictures in the photo booth? Remember when you made me a cupcake but Jared ate it?" You were still holding on to Matt's hand and rested it on his chest, right where his heart is. His lifeless heart. You were crying hard but still kept going. "Remember when we first saw eachother and the next thing I knew Dakota knocked me out? That time I accidentally cut my finger and you gave me a bandaid and kissed it?" ;;
  6. "Remember when you gave me those roses and asked me to the dance? Remember that time when you opened that can of soda and you didn't know I shook it all up and it sprayed all over your face, and you didn't get mad at me? Remember that time when you told me you loved me?." You were starting to get tear stains on your shirt. You said in your mind,"I better leave, the boys are probably waiting for --" "I recall maybe all of those things.." Someone whispered. ::
  7. You could hear multiple beeps coming from the heart monitor then glanced at Matt. His wonderful brown shade of eyes were wide open and he was smiling at you. He wiped the tears from your face. His hands weren't cold anymore. "Miss me?" He asked with a weak laugh. "How did you???" Was all you managed to say. He didn't say anything. All he did was hug you. Real tight.;;
  8. You were so happy you practically jumped from the bed. You were supposed to run out of the room for a more dramatic effect, but for the first time, you orbed all by yourself. Next thing you knew, you were standing next to Nick, who was eating a granny smith apple. Startled, he was about to throw the apple at you when you orbed to his other side. "You're orbing!" He yelled out. "Yea!" You said back with enthusiasm. "Wait...your public, next time try not doing that." He said with a smile. "Ok. Matt's ALIVE." You blurted out. "Noo?" Nick replied. "He IS alive." You grabbed Nick's hand and the rest of the boys followed you into Matt's room in which doctors were already surrounding him. The boys smiled at Matt, and Matt grinned in return, apparently greatly that he cheated death. "How'd you do it?" Dane asked curiously with a flip of his golden hair. "I don't know...I think I healed him?" You answered. "Put aren't you only half orber?" Dakota chimed in. You shrugged in response. A doctor came approaching your way with a confused look on his face and you knew he was suspicious ;;
  9. "It's a miracle." Is all the doctor said to you. He walked away, but when he looked back, you knew you saw something threatening in his eyes. Matt was free to go home. Where he belongs. While Matt and them where downstairs, you sneaked into Matt's room to watch some tv. Well not just for the tv, but because you love being in his own little world called his room. You grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, pulling the covers really close. The room was now the color of indigo, probably a good feeling. You started flipping through the channels when you found a movie that was one of your all time favorites. "The Notebook" (sorry for you guys that aren't into that stuff. It fits for the story) Halfway in the movie, someone opened the door. You looked at who it was and it was Matt. He smiled at you then went on the bed and sat next to you, also pulling the covers on his legs. "Whatchu watching?" He asked. "The Notebook" you replied with a loving smile a you adore this movie. "Is it ok if I watch this with you?" Matt said. "It's really lovey-dovey" you answered with a small laugh. "I don't care, I don't always like movies with guns and intestines flying everywhere. Besides, we should spend some time together you know, after I was re-encarnated." He said back with a grin. "Mmkay then" you said with a laugh. ;;
  10. You started tearing up as the movie was getting really sweet(and lovey dovey && such) Matt started holding your hand. Frogs were in your stomach bouncing around as Matt leaned in to kiss you. Just then, someone burst into the room and yelled out,"MOVIE TIME! I brough popcorn and this The Notebook?" It was Jared. "Yea, it's The Notebook...its just about finished" you said with a smile. "Oh" Jared murmered. "Yea, oh..Well _____ it's getting late. I think you should go to sleep" Matt looking into your eyes. You nodded, hugged Matt and Jared, and went into your room. ;;
  11. You instantly fell asleep. No dreams, just peace and quiet. You got up earlier than the guys at about 6:45. You were a little jet lagged so you decided to talk a walk by the pool and sink your feet. You quietly opened the door and tip toed downstairs. You opened the gate to the pool and the water was rapid. Confused, you ran to the side of the pool and peered into the crystal blue water. Something was in there at the. You put your hand in the water and it was freezing cold. Not the cold in which regular pool water but cold, as it you were in Antarctica. There was a huge splash and the thing jumped out of the water onto you and you screamed in terror.

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