There are 2 songs here. Which one are you most like?

This quiz has two song options. It's a bit too simple, but I hope it's ok! Thank you for even looking at it this long !!!!! THANK YOU AND THANKS AND BYEA @@@!

This quiz has two song options. It's a bit too simple, but I hope it's ok! Thank you for even looking at it this long !!!!! THANK YOU AND THANKS AND BYEA @@@! I HAD TO WRITE MORE STUFF SO I JUST COPIED AND PASTED THE ABOVE.

Created by: Mearine
  1. Would you rather?
  2. Are you a more go-with-it person or a thankful person?
  3. Out of these, what's your favourite colour combination?
  4. Your best friend's age?
  5. What do you consider your biggest fault?
  6. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  7. Would you rather never have children or never have a job?
  8. What result would you rather get?
  9. Did you enjoy the quiz? Rate on a scale of 1-5 is the best ever quiz1 is the worst quiz
  10. What quote do you like more?

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Quiz topic: There are 2 songs here. Which one am I most like?
