TheDiamondMinecart Quiz

Thank You for taking this quiz thank you so much!I took 2 hours too do this wow it's hard?!I made this quiz on :July 4,2016!Happy July 4th too you guys!

I'm a genius!Are you a genius?Found out by taking this quiz.It's going too be easy you will see.Its all about DanTDM.Just watch his videos and...BAM!!!!You will be finshed with the quiz.Thank you all!

Created by: Courtney Nguyen
  1. What is his favorite color?
  2. What is his wife's name?
  3. When was DanTDM was born
  4. Did he past 1,000,000 subscribers?
  5. What gem does he like?
  6. Where does he live?
  7. Just one quick question!How many states does America have?
  8. I just wanna know if you were paying attention what is his YouTube name?
  9. Does he have earrings?
  10. Does he do snapchat?

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