The zombie apocolipse, will you survive?

will you survive? take this test to find out! i hope that you enjoy this test i really worked hard on it so tell your friends and see what they get to!

what are your chances of survival? take this test and see! what are you first move when zombies attack??? barricade the door? get your gun? take this test to see if your desisions are smart or not!

Created by: Zach McGlone
  1. what type of home do you live in?
  2. what type of melee weapons (knifes and sharp objects) do you have around the house
  3. what kind of blunt objects do you have around the house
  4. what kind of guns do you have
  5. if you have a gun, how much ammo you have for it
  6. how many people live with you?
  7. whats your expirience with guns
  8. how is your communication skill
  9. does blood and gore freak you out?
  10. do have anywhere safe to go?
  11. how many different types of things do you eat
  12. the next few questions will be situations and how you react
  13. your walking parralel with the road but not on it so you wont be seen, you then spot 4 survivors on the road camping out, whats your next move?
  14. there's a walmart with what seem's like 4 zombies at the entrance you have an m9 pistol with about 32 bullets and 2 partners 1 with a crowbar and 1 with a old musket rifle with 22 bullets, what do you do?
  15. you've been bit and know you wont make it, your with 1 person and there in good shape, you have no weapons at all, just then a zombie comes up behind your partner, what do you do?
  16. now back to some basic questions
  17. if you dont it wont affect score, do you own a sniper rifle of any sort?
  18. what is your most efficient thing used for transport
  19. do you work well under presure?

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Quiz topic: The zombie apocolipse, will I survive?