The WoW Lore Quiz 2

Do you think you are a wow lore nerd? Well,now you can test your knowledge by taking this quiz and find out if you are a noob or a pure wow nerd!KTHXB

If you think you know all about wow and if you think you can pass all quizes,well,take this quiz and test your WoW knowledge for REAL!In just minutes you can be a noob or crowned as a WoW Nerd!

Created by: Roman Zeremski
  1. Who is the leader of the Twilight's Hammer?
  2. What is Thrall's birthname?
  3. Who is the leader of the Argent Dawn?
  4. Before The Sundering there was just one ____ continent that continent was ______.
  5. During ________ ____________ found ________ to make the Ashbringer
  6. The Bloodhoof Tauren have their arch enemies their name is_______.
  7. What tribe was the greatest tribe on Kalimdor?(old Kalimdor)
  8. Aggamaggan is an immortal _______.
  9. Aggamaggan is an immortal _______.
  10. Pantheon is a ________.
  11. In front of the Black Temple there is a Naaru. What is it's name?
  12. What is the former name of The Black Temple?

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