The Worldwide Quiz

This quiz is about the world and what you should really know. Questions about all kinds of things. There are only ten questions so please do try them and i hope you do the best you can!

Think you can do it? Are you smart enough? well its not that hard, so you should do really good in this quiz but if you dont then.... oh well, you need to revise a bit more!

Created by: Jordan Hopley
  1. Which of these is not a natural landmark?
  2. In which country is the town of Rochdale?
  3. What is the sea called Between Jordan and Israel?
  4. When was the Gunpowder plot?
  5. What is the capital city of Australia?
  6. What was the first animal in space?
  7. How many gaseous planets are in our Solar System?
  8. When did England win the World Cup?
  9. What is the national speed limit in Britain?
  10. What was the tallest buiding in the year 2000?

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