The White Water ( A Tale of Shade) part 2

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Good luck to all who take this quiz and I hope you like it. Are you hoping to get a high score good luck once again, and I am a nice one who takes advice

Created by: Francesca Bookless

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Remember, last time you and Spiritual heard something?
  2. Huh? You and Spiritual both said. It looks like a spirit of the White Pond. You whispered to Spiritual. Oh No! Spiritual growled.
  3. It's the spirit of the dark side. Come on, hop on my back I'll get you out alive! Spiritual yelled.
  4. Why I can breathe under water? You ask. Shade,.... HE'LL TAKE YOUR SOUL!, COME ON! Spiritual growled.
  5. Oh, Shade you have the lightning ability, get on and yell LIGHTNING or we'll DIE! Spiritual panicked.
  6. Lightning! You yelled. Before you knew it lightning shot out of your hand. Nice work. Spiritual said.
  7. You also can control Wind. Spiritual smiled. Try it downwards and yell GALE! Got it? Spiritual asked?
  8. So you Yelled GALE! And a blast of wind lifted you up really fast. Wow! you yelled. How does it look from up there?
  9. You figured out how to land. Sweet, any other techniques to learn? You ask. Two more, Fire and water. Spiritual said.

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