the warrior cats test

you may think that you know all about the way of the warrior code,but do you really, in this test their will be focus on the smallest deatails about the clans. i hope you were paying close atention.

when taking the quiz make sure that you check your awnsers, and read the question and awnsers carfully. if you have the book besdie you that is cheating put it away now.

Created by: webshine
  1. why does dovepaw stop meeting tigerheart at night
  2. who are the first cats firestar things is part of the prophecy, there will be 3 kin of your kin that hold the power of the stars in thier paws.
  3. why does cinderheart stop liking lionblaze?
  4. why do shadowclan keep ivypaw hostage
  5. what does flametail think as he is under the frozen ice and can't get back?
  6. in night wispers, why doesn't flametail go to the moonpool at half moon
  7. why does ivypaw try to kill flametail
  8. why does jayfeather doubt that the battle between thuderclan and shadowclan was provocted by starclan
  9. what is flametails vision about darkness refering to in nigh wispers?
  10. how many warriors does the dark forest have in night wispers

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