The Warrior cats love story. Part one for she cats!

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Well warriors? Are you here? Okay, Mayastar, Maevestar, Sadiestar(me!) Oh THERE you are Garystar and Danestar and Cassiestar. Well? We must spread the word!

Meeting dismissed! Oh hi! We were talking about this awesome new quiz, called she cats series. We were talking about reccomending it to our she-cat apprentices. Well? Okay fine. You don't have to. Bye!

Created by: Sadiestar
  1. Ouch! You are Flipkit. That hurt! You wail walking over to your mom. Turns out you have a thorn in your pad. One of the older kit-Firekit- rolls his eyes. You snarl at him, "You think I'm silly right?" -you attack near his ear, he is taken by suprise- Firekit says, Get OFF!!!!! You scatter to the ground. when your mom calls you back in mid-leap.You fall to the ground, glare at Firekit, then stalk in. You are thinking.....
  2. You get back out of the nursery, sadly pokeing your head outside. Your dennmate crawls out and climbs to the roof of the nursery. You trekle out of camp and hide in a den under the ground that you made.
  3. Another kit, Lightkit finds you. You bristle, because this was your den. Surprisingly, Lightkit brought the six other kits. And you are six moons old.(Me:No pun intended) They helped you dig out even more tunnels, one leading in the apprentices den, so you could get down there. The downside is you have to share your den. They make ones of there own, but you don't mind. At least you were the queen of the tunnels. A few minutes later......
  4. You are called for your aprentenceship. You are delighted! The other kits are too. You and the other kits plan to trick the other apprentices, by you popping out of the tunnel as soon as they are all inside. The plan works! The other apprentices think you are from Starclan and grovel. (BTW, You are in thunderclan) You tell them who you really are, and they want tunnels too. You say OK, the next thing you know, they are digging.
  5. Finally the love for you impatient people. All of the toms are admiring you, (AKA loving you.) and you don't notice it until your vigil. All of the toms are fighting, -silently- who will have your pelt. Your vigil is over, and the toms glare at each other they are...... Lightpelt:Sweet and kind. Fireclaw: Shy and cute Gorsebush: Sharp and charming. Sunpelt: Quiet, but, he is known to mate other queens behind his mates back. Darkpelt: Sneaky and evil. Riverflow: Smart and a planner Windgust: Carefree and sweet
  6. They try to win your heart, but one Tom is down when Fireblaze killed Windgust to impress you. He is driven, and you personally lead the charge. You dart into your private tunnel, ( you to!d your leader, so if you go in it you won't be in trouble.) you hide until he is gone. Not SO FAST PEOPLE!!!! He ambushes you in the tunnel. You bleed and bleed and bleed until Lightpelt finds you he carries you and you make it. Next time you saw the TRAITOR, you kill him. And your leader approves. You are finally left in peace, out of respect and fear. In your senior years, you are made deputy.
  7. In a few moons, you are made leader. (Lives depend on your strengths and weakness). You are shocked when you deputy Tigerflash, tries to kill you, but your mate jumps in and protects you, and kills Tigerflash accidentally. You choose a new deputy, Firelash. You are hunting by yourself when you feel the ground sink. With a sickening SNAP! You fall into a tunnel. Luckily this tunnel was connected to YOUR tunnels, which you gave to the apprentices. You find your way out, but you discovered the tunnel exit was blocked by moss! You try to dig your way out, for the next few days, hunting what was little left in there. Then you remember the cave-in place. You dash through the tunnels, and jump out of it! You are finally free!! You dash back to camp, but it was deserted. All of the others were too. You shake with fear. The herbs are in there stocks. You think, Did they all die?! You are heartbroken. You suddenly realize, COMMERCIAL BREAK!
  8. Sorry had to stop typing. My stupid cat dropped this into.... Never mind. Where were we? Ahh I know. You suddenly realize the camp is filled with water. You shake. You rest on top of the cliff. Next thing you know, you are prodded awake. It was a rouge. He had many cats by his side, he said you had to mate him or you'll die. You say no, and you did die. For the first of your nine lives. He tells you your camp cats are under capture, wasting away. You hiss. You bunch up. You get the clans out of that place. You kill the rouge. The clans are free agean. You won.
  9. NOT SO FAST! Your mate dies. The old love rivarlarys come back. Toms kill each other. Toms are banishes from the clan. You are scared. You determine yourself as permanently single. That doesn't me trouble still lurks.......
  10. Your ambitions deputy takes over another clan. You are frightened. Battles rage. Warrior's are killed. You kill your old deputy yourself..........

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