The Warrior Cat Love Story ~Part One~

Hi, welcome to my first ever Warrior Cat Love Story!!! I'm a huge fan of warriors and I have waited forever to get a chance for this! This is a story filled with romance, action, adventure and fun! Enjoy!

You are a sweet, pretty calico name Turtleheart who is trying to discover who she is destined to have as her mate. Experience her thoughts and decisions through your thinking.

Created by: Abby
  1. You blink open your eyes for the first time, feeling the sunlight hit your face. "Look, Sproutsong! She's opened her eyes!" Your mother exclaims. Sproutsong turns her head in your direction. "What a gorgeous kit, Morningshine! She's lovely." "Yes, she is a remarkable one," Morningshine agrees. You admire your dappled, slender form and wonder what your eyes look like. Then you hear the entrance of the nursery rustle and a kit steps inside...
  2. It's Bouncekit! He jumps excitedly over to you, grinning from ear to ear. "Turtlekit, you opened up your eyes!" He squeaks happily. "Do you want me to show you around the camp?"
  3. Despite whatever you said, Bouncekit drags you out into the clearing. He leads you over to each den, explaining what they were. Suddenly you both bumped into Bravekit, Darkkit, and Thistlekit playing moss-ball. "Hey, Turtlekit, you opened up your eyes!" Bravekit exclaims. "And they're beautiful!" You become hot with embarrassment. "T-Thanks, Bravekit," you stammer. He smiles at you and you can tell he's blushing. You...
  4. (If you hid behind Bouncekit, answer the question below this. If you walked or ran away, then you fell asleep in the nursery. If you smiled back at Bravekit, then answer this question.) You smile back at Bravekit, who immediately straightens up with his eyes shining happily. Bouncekit frowns behind you, but you don't care. Next, you...
  5. Bouncekit smirks at Bravekit as you cower behind him. Then Boundekit walks off with you at his side. You can't help glancing back at Bravekit, who was suddenly very dull. You...
  6. Whatever you picked, you end back at the moss-ball game because you had gotten so bored. Darkkit catches the moss-ball with a powerful jump and then tosses it to you. You catch the moss-ball easily and throw it to Thistlekit. Thistlekit gives it straight back to you and then, feeling awkward, give it to Bouncekit. All four toms kept passing it to you. What do you do?
  7. No matter what you did, they keep playing. Moons later, you are all apprentices and you start to notice a new tom at your tail...
  8. It's Silentpaw! You see him glancing at you nervously from time to time and other times he'll bolt into the shadows if you come near. Feeling awkward as he finally approaches you, you brace yourself for him to dash away. But instead he drops a rabbit at your paws. "I-I just caught it f-fresh," he stammers. "W-Want to...share..?"
  9. Even if you refused or hesitated, you couldn't resist the food. You crouched down and began to eat quietly. Silentpaw sat down beside you and bent his head to take a bite. You felt his whiskers brush yours and his tail resting on your back. You...
  10. (If you purred at Silentpaw, he licked your nose. If you shoved him away, he let you have the rest of the rabbit. If you ran off, he watched you with a sad face. And, finally, if you ignored him, he said or did nothing.)
  11. After a good night's sleep, you wake up to see Darkpaw slipping out of the den. Curious, you follow him swiftly and soundlessly. For a minute you thought you lost him. Then you see his tail disappearing around the corner of the nursery. You...
  12. Your curiosity gets the best of you. You slink after him as silent as an owl. You see Darkpaw arranging something--A pile of flowers? Each was set up neatly in a colorful design. Then you noticed something; It spelled out your name!
  13. Darkpaw suddenly turns around and sees you. "T-Turtlepaw!?" He gasps. You freeze and wince at the embarrassment and shock in his eyes. "I'm so sorry," you whimper. "I was just curious.." Darkpaw shoots past you, his pawsteps fading away quickly. You...
  14. By the time morning has arrived, Darkpaw is still gone. You feel deeply upset that you had just shattered him like that. Your mentor takes you out into the forest with Bravepaw, Bouncepaw, and Thistlepaw. Each tom is gazing dreaming at you and you fidget uncomfortably as you try to hunt. Then suddenly a piercing shriek splits the air and something slams into your side. You...
  15. A fox is standing over you, its paw raised and ready to land a bad blow. Just as you brace yourself for a world of pain, Bravepaw leaps in front and you hear the breath get knocked out of his body. He lands on top of you and you jump up, taking him by the scruff. Your mentor races over and grabs the injured apprentice. Then you leap into the battle with Bouncepaw and Thistlepaw and soon the fox is dead.
  16. Moons later, Bravepaw was still recovering from the gash in his chest and belly. You remember the pain and suffering he'd been through, yet he was still alive. His courage and strength inspired you to stand up a little bit more and fight.
  17. As you are sunning yourself peacefully, you notice Thistlepaw coming up to you. "Come on, Turtlepaw," he says. "Follow me." You heave yourself up to your paws and struggle to keep up with Thistlepaw. Finally he halts at a shadowy part of the forest. "Turtlepaw," he begins, taking in a deep breath. "If you do not become my mate, I'll kill you. So...?" You...
  18. No matter what you picked, Thistlepaw slashes his claws down you flank. You gasp at the pain and start to back away shakily. "Wounds can hurt," he growls. "But I can make them even worse. So, what's it gonna be? Love me or perish. Simple as that." You...
  19. Suddenly Silentpaw leaps out, raking his claws down Thistlepaw's throat. Thistlepaw crumples to the ground, blood spilling from his throat.
  20. Silentpaw helps you back up and carries you to the medicine cat den. After several moons of recovery, you finally step outside again. The Clan is relieved to see that you pulled through. Silentpaw had been encouraged to show his true self because of your courageous actions. At last, the words came out of his mouth. "Turtlepaw, you." You...
  21. You are still shaken from the way Thistlepaw attacked you. You hope that the next few moons would be better. "Hey, Turtlepaw!" You see Bouncepaw jumping over excitedly. "Me and you are going to the Gathering tonight!" "Really?" You squeak. "Our first ever!" Bouncepaw gazed at you happily, his eyes warm with love. "Yes, ours," he murmured dreamily. You...
  22. (If you purred at Bouncepaw, he purred back and walked with you over to the cats going to the Gathering. If you rolled your eyes, he took you anyways. If you told him you loved someone else, he told you that he was sorry he wasn't good enough. And if you hid, he found you and took you with him.)
  23. You have arrived at the Gathering with Bouncepaw at your side. The leaders are seated up above. Flamestar, your leader, Sweetstar, WindClan's leader, Fleckstar, RiverClan's leader, and Needlestar, ShadowClan's leader. "Hunting has been plentiful and ThunderClan is thriving. We've had a recent fox attack, but we dealt with it quickly," Flamestar reports, dipping her head to Sweetstar. "WindClan is also thriving," Sweetstar begins. "We've also had a fox attack, but a mysterious stranger came out of the blue and defeated the fox before it could kill our dear elders and kits. I was so honored I let them join the Clan. Welcome, Darkstorm." You stiffen with horror as Darkpaw pads out into the open moonlight with his jet-black fur touched silver. You...
  24. Despite what you did, your curiosity pulls you over to him. "Oh, Darmstorm," you murmur. "I'm so sorry..." He looks at you, his eyes widening. "Turtlepaw," he breathes, pressing his cheek against yours. "I've missed you so much." You close your eyes with a soft purr as you drink in his scent. Even if he couldn't be your mate, he could be your friend.
  25. Fleckstar has just finished his announcement and now it's Needlestar's turn. "Annd, Cliffhanger!" She announces. (Sorry, guys, I'll make Part Two soon for more romance and action.)

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